1. To stand out.
We have approximately 3-7 seconds to grab people's attention and need eye-catching visuals that don't look like everyone else's. People constantly consume visual noise and best way to guarantee you are separating yourself from your competition is to have professional photos that are unique to you and your business. Finding the right photographer can also ensure that your images are original and align with your vision and goals.
2. So people know who you are.
People want to work with people they like, know, and trust. Telling your story adds so much value to your work. A hard truth is, anyone can do what you do, but no one can do it quite like you can. YOU are your business's biggest asset. If you take 100 people who all sell the same thing, what separates them is how and why they do it. Your story is key to your success.
3. To build a connection.
Your audience will be way more likely to book, buy, and engage with your business if they feel connected to your work and your message. People crave meaningful connections and are always thrilled to support and champion the human behind the hustle. If you can relate to your audience, educate, and inspire them, they will care more about your work. The capital grind can be exhausting. It's better and more fulfilling for everyone if we take the time to care about what we do and who we work with.
4. To feel confident.
Our fear of looking silly always seems to hold us back. It's hard to feel confident when we aren't proud of the quality of visuals we share. Having an archive of professional brand photos that you love makes it super easy to show up and share your business. Just think about how much time we waste second guessing ourselves, not taking the next step forward, and how much progress we could make if we had a bit more confidence to put into pursuing our goals. That in itself is worth investing in.
5. To be taken seriously.
Frankly, if you want your business photos to look professional, then hire a professional photographer. There is nothing wrong with DIYing your photos, but it can be exhausting to do it all yourself while you are competing against people who have professional imagery. This also increases the perceived value of your work. With the same exact product or service, you could have a professional photograph and a mediocre iPhone photo, and one will be seen as more valuable than the other, even though the subject is the same. Quality trumps quantity every time.
6. To free up your time.
As a small business owner, you where a ton of hats and it's way too easy to get overwhelmed with the amount of work it takes to build a business and all of the things we're constantly working on. Outsourcing your photos to a professional is a great way to give yourself a break, so you can focus on more creating and doing more important tasks, knowing you'll be getting back killer gallery from someone who understands your vision and values.
7. To stay relevant.
Updating your brand photos often will not only keep you inspired and feeling excited to market yourself, but it will also keep your business top of mind for your audience. Clients and customers LOVE seeing what their favorite businesses are working on and trying out. This also encourages engagement and sparks people's interest. It's also fun to get creative and create seasonal content to show what your business might look like throughout the year and as you develop.
8. Having variety.
This is an awesome way to sprinkle in different visual elements. Again, it's fun and important to mix things up and keep it interesting. When you find a photographer that loves to listen to your ideas and collaborate, you'll be able to have a variety of images to choose from that all align with your style for a nice cohesive look across all platforms. Another way to make it easy for people to find you.
9. Clarify your product / service.
Sometimes it gets a little tricky to tell what it is people offer when their photos are all over the place, mixed in with personal photos, full of random props, and don't show any consistency. This is one of many reasons folks are scrolling right passed you - because your images are just adding to the noise. High quality brand and product photos that are well thought out, align with your goals, and are done professionally will clarify what your offer is and make the decision to book/buy much easier for your audience.
10. Brand identity & awareness.
Businesses that have strong identity and awareness have consistent visuals, messaging, and branding across all platforms, with a unified goal. Everything leading up to this has touched on brand identity. This is something we are always developing and solidifying as we become more experienced and confident in our work: Who you + What you do + Why you do it. While the photos you use are just one piece of your business, they are a hugely important tool. It honestly takes a few photo shoots, a few changes in direction, and a few revamps before anyone feels like they're on solid ground. I promise it's worth it, because once we finally get to that place, our business takes off. All of the grinding, hustling, changing, and adjusting is worth it to have a brand identity that represents a sustainable business - that we can be confident in and that is built around the life we want.
Picture this - you have all of your financial needs met, no stress. Your work fulfills you and your business is thriving. Your customers BELIEVE in you and value your dreams and ideas. You are making an impact in peoples lives and an income that supports your family. When anyone learns about your work for the first time, they know what it stands for. They respect your work and see its value.
THAT is what strong brand identity is. THAT is what brand imagery builds.