"Worth it" is subjective to each person. Some people will think so and some people won't.

When people ask this, what they are wondering is if the service is worth the money it would cost them. Just like with any product or service, people choose to afford what is valuable to them, regardless of what it costs. Impulsive or not, it doesn’t matter. The money will be spent for a need to be met, a problem solved, or a desire fulfilled.

For businesses considering an investment like brand photos, keep in mind that folks who stumble across your work will first and foremost see the photos you use to promote your work, and ask themselves the same thing.

"Is this product/service worth it?" - And they will make judgment call within 3-7 seconds.

First impressions are everything. So, is it worth it?

Lets rephrase the question to focus on what's really on the line:

Professional brand images are a huge tool that will get you to your goals faster, if you use them. BUT, like anything, there are pros and cons. Feeling nervous about taking that step is totally normal, especially if you don't know where to start. But that shouldn't hold you back.

Regardless of the profession (photographer, chef, doctor, teacher, mechanic, hairdresser, literally any biz, etc.) there are people with certain specialties that will be able to provide a better experience in some areas than others.

Different photos will have a different weight of value and a different cost depending on the photographer and how they manage their business. If someone knows how to use a camera, generally, they’re going to be able to provide at least the minimum value for anyone who need’s photos. But I probably wouldn’t hire a landscape photographer to photograph my newborn, or a pet photographer to photograph my wedding, vise versa. Just like I wouldn’t expect pastry chef to produce the best slow cooked barbecue ribs. Or a geometry teacher to teach orchestra. Yes, both chefs can boil water & both teachers can manage a group of children, but each area is so specialized that you need someone to do more than the bare minimum, or it’s a waste of everyone’s time.

Depending on your needs, and how much you value the experience, you should choose a Photographer accordingly.

. . .

In Summary:

When you ask, are brand photos “worth it”, keep in mind there are other people are going to stumble across you, see the photographs you use to promote yourself and decide whether or not you are worth it.

Don’t be cheap with yourself or others. If you want your customers to value quality, (your quality) then they need to see that you also value quality.

So yes - Your business is “worth it. Your livelihood is “worth it”. You are “worth it”.